Ownership of the website
This website is the exclusive property of Delphine Hussenet and Sylvie Guiot, as owners of the gites Break en Ardennes in Hargnies (Ardennes, France).
Contact details
- Publication manager: Delphine Hussenet.
- Address: 17, petite rue, 08170 HARGNIES
- Telephone: +33 (0)
Web hosting
1&1 IONOS SARL, 7, place de la Gare BP 70109 57200 Sarreguemines C, France - Tél : +33.970808911
Cookies and personal data
The information collected from the contact form is processed exclusively to respond to your requests for information and reservations. This data is not transmitted to third parties under any circumstances and, in accordance with law n°78-17 of 6 January 1978 (amended) relating to information technology, files and freedoms, it can be deleted simply by sending us a request.
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Intellectual property
All elements of this website (editorial, graphic, photographic...) are the property of their respective owners and are not freely usable. Any total or partial reproduction is subject to the laws in force on intellectual property.
- Web design, website development, graphics & logo: Peggy Jego
- Photographs of the gîtes and services: Mégane Dardenne for Office de tourisme Val d'Ardenne, Delphine Hussenet
- Web content: Audrey Duperron
- Tourist photographs: J-M Benoit (Hargnies from the sky), GEIE Destination Ardenne (Laëtis, D. Gevaerts, D. Truillard, J. Lafaille-Drehance, J. Barrot, M. Guiot, N. Koussa, P. Pauquay, P. Willems, L. Le Guen), Brasserie Invictus.
- Background photographs: Kaboompics, J. Filirovka, D. Parkhouse, M. Burrows, D. Selbert, M. Maeder